Ten Keys to a Happy Sober You!


THE Self-development course for Sober Women





Ive shifted from a mindset of fear about having a drink  to really embracing my life.

When you change, everything changes” and this course has helped me to change so much for the better.

I have all the tools to love my life sober now.

Welcome to this  signature 3 month interactive programme for brilliant women like YOU who want to live an empowered and joyful alcohol-free life. Daily videos and practical tips and tools and theory around weekly sobriety, wellness and themes plus live weekly coaching calls will support you through this journey of self discovery.

Love Sober Life School

12 weeks support, community, a library of resources, group calls and bonus masterclasses for sober & sober-curious women who want to make sobriety stick and LOVE being sober. Written & Delivered by Professional Coaches, authors and sober women. NB. This is a small set offering. Only 20 seats max to ensure the most intimate and supportive experience for you.


Created and delivered by Habit Change Specialist Kate Baily ICF Life, Sobriety & Behavioural Health Coach & Certified Addictive Behaviours  Coach. Delivered by Recovery and Relationship Coach and Mentor, writer and sober sister of over 25 years, Dufflyn Lammers. 

Join Kate & Dufflyn on a 12 week journey of self discovery, support and kickass self-supportive learning.

What you'll get:

  • Weekly webinar to introduce the topic.
  • Daily videos & other media to keep you motivated
  • Weekly coach-led group reflection meeting with Kate & Dufflyn.
  • Everything you need to LOVE Sober life.
  • Library of resources, podcasts, reading and Ted Talks. 
  • Building life-long friendships with like-minded women.
  • Life Skills for Stress Management, work/life balance, nervous system regulation.
  • Self-empowerment, Self-compassion and Self-leadership.
  • A new way of life, in which without alcohol, filled with ideas and tools to help you thrive and feel the BEST you possibly can.
  • Access to Love Sober membership community & online peer support meetings.
  • Payment plan available

• Course Curriculum • 

Weekly content is in greater detail below. Each week is packed full of tools, resources and further reading. 

You will have life-long access to the content so you can take it at your own pace.

Pick & choose what suits YOU and what feels relevant to you to build your sober toolkit for life.

Week 1- Finding our Feet

In this very first week we will explore some of the essential tips, tools and resources to get a positive, confident attitude in place to boss your sober journey. Preparation & Mindset are key and as we begin with coaching approach, we set our goals and intentions for success.

Week 2 - Habits

This week we look at how to break habits that no longer serve you and build new ones that support you. Managing our environments and starting to work with what we can control, boundaries and stress management are all in this week's program. 

Week 3 - Holistic Self Care

This week we get into the fine, beautiful and essential art of self-care, which is essentially a conscious practice of evidence-based wellness strategies for mind, body and heart/ soul. This is about resourcing ourselves to build resilience against drinking triggers.  

Week 4- Behind the Bottle

This week we look at why women drink: mental health, stress and societal pressure, Mummy wine time, Midlife Wine Time, pink washing and marketing. We dive into the background of why we drink. Time to get our fight on and call BS and empower change.

Week 5 - Finding your th-ING

This week is all about finding the things we love and creating such a rick toolkit of exploration and options that whenever our minds go to the drinking we can reach for a different option.

Week 6 - Bossing our boundaries and routines

When we stop drinking our feelings often come into HD which can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Let's explore the rich world of our feelings and how to manage them this week.

Week 7- The Power of the Pause

This week we take a sacred pause to honour where we are right now, to encourage rest and restoration and to reflect on how far we have come, encouraging you to respect and respond to your own journey and needs. Gentle reminders to go slow, trust the process and take things at your own pace. So important to respect our limits and energy. 

Week 8 - Socially Sober

There is a whole beautiful social life out there. In this section we look at how to holiday sober, host sober events and truly connect with loved ones. We also look at reframing what we see as 'social' and explore the power of sober community and micro connections.  Let's party, brunch or stay in... the choice is yours!

Week 9 - Reconnecting with ourselves

Finding meaning in our life is a basic human need. This week we look at our core values and what drives us in order to create meaningful work and relationships for life that nurture and nourish us. When we are sober, we have more time, energy & a widening perspective of possibilities and a deeper understanding of what actually, truly matters to us. This week we look at ways to explore these gifts of sobriety. 

Week 10 - Happiness

We LOVE being happy. This week we look at evidence-based practices to boost your happiness levels from the fields of The Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology. What we focus on grows and learning to build our capacity for happiness as opposed to reacting to quick fixes that promise happiness but do not deliver and understanding the dopamine response which actually hinders happiness is this week's food for thought. 

Week 11 - Find your Sparkle

What really lights you up? What gives you shivers , goosebumps and makes your inner toddler clap her hands? This week we talk about awe and wonder and feelings of joy, flow, play and sparkle. When we learn how to regulate our nervous systems to dial down when we are overwhelmed and light us up if we are shut down is a super power. This week we get our capes!

Week 12 - Stepping into your Future Now.

This week we look at your incredible you-shaped future which only you can create and fill. With Coaching tools and guided visualisations, we reflect on the journey so far, celebrate the huge achievement of completing Love Sober Life School become intimate with our inner resources and wisdoms to step out boldly into our one precious life.

Don't take our word for it! Look what people are saying...

Praise for Love Sober Life School


'It has given me confidence to understand how to live an authentic sober life.'


Incredible - 5 Stars
I arrived at sobriety broken and lost and weary. With the help of Love Sober I have gradually been able to do the work of putting myself back together - forever grateful x


I’ve laughed along and I’ve cried and all the whilst feeling in the company of 2 old friends. Love Sober is my safe space and my home. I can’t rate this highly enough. I’m nearly 8 months sober and honestly I don’t think I’d be here without Love Sober. I’ll be forever grateful.

I feel like I have known them both years. Their openness and honesty allowed me to be honest to myself when reflecting.'

'Please be kind to yourself and take this course. You won't regret it. Make sure you journal and take notes as you then have these ideas with you forever.'


'It has given me back enormous power in myself which alcohol and other recovery options completely took away. So the unique part of Love Sober is the self love, respect and ownership I feel that is enabling me now to stay on a path that I previously saw as something I didn't want. Now I want it more than ever and it feels much more effortless than before because the journey is enjoyable.'


You will be embraced as you are from the moment you reach out and you won’t have to be alone again.’

It was amazing to be fully supported and in the care of people who are not only passionate about what they are doing, but was also very skilled.
'The kindness, humor, warmth and the unconditional positive regard were so valuable in reducing the shame I felt and made me feel so safe to be honest. I very much appreciate your straightforward, practical approach and the utmost dedication you give.'


They are the real deal - kind, caring, reflective, smart...and theyve been down the path and understood what you are going through…Their personal knowledge, their training, their expertise in many fields


‘This course helped me to see that when women get together to support and care for one another, it gives both those giving and those receiving the power, courage, and vulnerability to open up, truly connect, and truly dive into the underlying reasons for drinking in our own personal lives. And this has been everything for me. ‘


Meet Your Coaches 

Kate Baily 

Created and facilitated by Habit change specialist, Addictive Behaviours Trainer, ICF Accredited Coach & Author & Podcaster Kate Baily.

Kate is also a Science of Happiness facilitator & a certified Menopause Doula. She is married and lives in West Sussex with her husband and two teenage children and two dogs. Kate loves yoga and the expressive arts. Recently diagnosed with ADHD herself, she also works to support and raise awareness of neuro-affirming tools and wellbeing. Kate is in her 8th year of sobriety and really gets the back and forth and knows how important a toolkit for stress, hormones and real life is essential to lasting sobriety in our fast-paced world. 

Kate can be found walking in the woods with her Bose 2 Quiet Comfort headphones on, home-schooling her two neurodivergent teenagers and generally swearing quite a lot. But one thing she knows for sure is the sobriety is the foundation for all great wellbeing tools and lasting satisfaction with life and its glitter and warts and it all begins with the question 'What do I really need?' 

Dufflyn Lammers 

Facilitated by Dufflyn Lammers. Dufflyn is a coach, group facilitator  and writer with over 15 years experience of working with women in recovery and specialises in boundaries, attachment and  relationships in sobriety. She is Texan born and lives in Paris with her partner, where she works internationally as a coach and speaker. 

She combines a unique background in Tantra (trained with Dawn Cartwright in LA), Attachment Repair (trained directly with Daniel P. Brown and then with George Haas), Intervention (Arise certified)  and Coaching (iPEC Certified Professional Coach, She Recovers Coach, IRI Recovery Specialist) to help women create optimum relational wellbeing.

She has the best Frida Kahlo costume youve ever seen, a self-described hyena laugh,” and can often be found wandering the streets of Paris looking for Hellmans Mayonnaise. 


Still not sure? 

We understand that this is an investment and if you still have questions and would like to book a free call with Kate to see if Life School is right for you click the button below.

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